My weight loss journal


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I meant 266, lol! sorry, sorry!
ironeagle, sorry to hear of your troubles! It's not easy being a big guy, I know that much. Why don't you hop on the bandwaggon tomorrow? It's a new day and you can start it off right?


Well-Known Member
Today's weight: 267
I weighed myself after eating breakfast, and with all my cloths on and my pockets full... I swear! lol
Upperbody workouts today! yay!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Today's weight: 267
I weighed myself after eating breakfast, and with all my cloths on and my pockets full... I swear! lol
Upperbody workouts today! yay!
If you are working out you should get a tape measure and check your gut size. Sometimes you will add weight (Muscle weighs more than fat) even though you are losing fat.


Well-Known Member
My wife says she can tell a small difference in my gut size. So, that could be the case. I build muscle faster then I loose weight, which is why I hate excersizing, is because I don't see much weight "lost" but I look thinner.


awesome snake.... one thing i may suggest to you is if you are lifting and doing cardio monitor your heart rate. if it is too high you actually burn muscle instead of fat, thus negating any progress good luck!!!!!


depends on age etc... im sure you can google your specifics and there has to be site that can match it. 140 though is usually the generic one. when you start to go in the 160 and above that is muscle burning, but you also want it high enough for fat burning. so for instance walking uphill on the treadmil at like 3.8 or 4 mph would be better in your case than running. sounds like you have th right mind set and WILL succeed.


Well-Known Member
Today's weight: 265!!!!!!
I don't know for sure if it is just water weight or not. I'm not excited quite yet! lol not until I see that needle go under 260. That's when I know I'm loosing weight.
For breakfast, I ate one egg with an unbuttered piece of toast. Then excersized. For lunch, I ate a lunch meat sandwich and some milk. dI ate half of a sonic hamburger yesterday evening, and a bananna and a coke zero. Those coke zero's taste horrible. I think I'm going to stick to water! lol


Active Member
Congrats on the weight lose goal!!!!!!!!!!!
First word of advice: STAY AWAY FROM DIET SODAS AND ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have been diabetic for 15 years. I used to drink diet soda, but not an extreme amount. I started to get really funny feeling after eating and I would get massive dizzy spells. I thought it was linked to blood sugar fluctuations. Boy was I wrong, I came across an article that had the dangers of NutraSweet/aspartame. I immediately stopped all sugar free products. As soon as I did so I lost 15 pounds in a week and I started feeling better instantly. People argue that they are not bad but they do not know what they are talking about. I could write an essay about the dangers but I do not have the time.

Also been diabetic I have read a lot of nutritional facts and myths. Eat balanced meals, splurge once and awhile (some people can't because they start splurging all the time), drink lots of water, and do not lose weight quickly. The initial drop in weight most people see is do to fluid/water loss. Do not get discouraged when the weight loss tapers down. If you do loose weight to quickly you are shrinking/starving your fat cells not getting rid off them. You want to turn them into muscle. If you just shrink them and when you do eat regularly the fat cells absorb at hyper speed and actually multiply.
One more thing that most people do not know is in most foods that are sweetened now contain high fructose corn syrup and this product is terrible for you. They use it because it is cheap. If you need some specific info ask, I may be able to help. I am not a dietitian but being diabetic has taught me a lot. Good luck and when you loose motivation stand

in front of a mirror.

BTW I am trying to loose weight as well so I know it can get rough.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the information! I really appreciate it. I know, I'm not going to drink any more coke zero. I've been trying to drink only water or milk lately. I've modified my diet tremendously. I've been working out too, so I'm happy to see some small difference in my weight.
I know better then to loose weight quickly. Trust me.


I hope you do well, Snake!
My husband did Body For Life and did awesome. He lost 25 pounds and changed the way his body looked. I highly recommend it and I think for men it is a really good plan. The eating regimen is a killer but there is one good thing about it. You get a free day!!! Which is important IMO. How can you say you'll never again eat steak? Or drink a Coke? Or have a piece of cake or pie or whatever food you love? That is a set up for binge eating IMO.
A few tips:
1. Drink water. Skip the Diet stuff. Just makes you want the real thing anyway. Plus the sodium bloats.
2. ALCOHOL. is a killer. Sorry dude, no beer. That's why a free day is cool. If you can do without it, even better. Also, if you must drink, do clear alcohols like vodka and tonics, gin and ....whatever. I hate gin.
3.Try to exersize in the morning. Gives you more energy throughout the day thus you burn even more calories.
4. If you are gonna cheat, make it worth it. Don't snack on M & Ms. Get good chocolate. Get the best pizza. Get what you know will hit that craving right in the sweet spot.
5. Don't trash your whole plan because you had a bad day. Just get right back up on the horse.
6. Legumes are fabulous. Healthy fat and fiber plus they fill you up. You might have to get used to the... uh... you know.
7. Try not to pay attention to the numbers on the scale. I know you need that to tell you your progress, but that number doesn't consistently tell you all the effort you have been putting forth. Use how you feel as a guage. And how your clothes are fitting.
That's all I can think of that helped my husband. He went from 200 to 175. He is only 5'10". He was smokin' hot. I loved it.
Now it's my turn though. Back then, I really didn't need to lose weight. I was and had been a 125-130 since I was 18. Since we moved and I don't have a bunch of stairs to run up and down, I'm 140-145. I'd like to lose 15 pounds. I'm 5'7". I know the stairs aren't the only reason. Winter is bad for me too. I typically hibernate till about April. I'm not looking to be smoking hot like I was when I was 18
. I'm 33. I just want to fit in my jeans.


Active Member
First of all, congrats on your decision to get healthy and make a life change. I used to be a personal trainer and you may IM on any questions you have.
I want to clarify some popular misconceptions first. I am not pointing out specific people saying them or anything because this is one of the most controversial topics on earth (loosing weight). Anyway, first of all, you cannot turn muscle into fat or vice-versa. You burn fat, and fat cells that you have will never disappear, they will simply shrink or expand. There are never any more or less of them You will always have that many. This is established in childhood at around the age of 3. Well, short of liposuction or something else surgical to suck them out.
You build muscle by slightly tearing the muscle fibers and as they heal they grow. Do not overtrain. You can inhibit their regrowth. Also you want to keep from undertraining. You should feel slightly sore or uncomfortable the next day. If you can't walk this is too much, lol. You must change up your workout every 4 to 6 weeks. This is how long it takes the body to adapt. Once it adapts, you will stop seeing progress.
Water and fiber are your best friends. If you are constipated your weight loss will significantly slow. One of the best things that you can get is a product called psyllium. It is in most metmucil or other supplements. It is completely natural and helps your food move through your body properly.
Stay away from sweeteners which was covered earlier. If you need to sweeten something then look for stevia. It is a completely natural sweetener that does not raise blood sugar.
The easiest way to succeed in wieght loss is to eat several times a day. This does not mean more food though. It means tearing your sandwich into two peices and taking half your food for now and in 3 hours eating the other half. Little baggies of food help that. Stay away from fast food for the most part. Even the healthy sounding stuff tends to be ridiculous in calories. If you want to go, look up the info on their website for the best choice. Almost all of them list it now. For instance most of the large Jamba Juice smoothies are well into the 800-900 calorie region. Most of it is sugar. If you eat too much sugar, you will not loose weight or you will hit a plateau very easily. Your body will be using the sugar as it's source of energy and ignore the fat. Simple chemical reactions.
Lastly, use this website to post. Encouragement goes a long way. Good job so far!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Anyway, first of all, you cannot turn muscle into fat or vice-versa. You burn fat, and fat cells that you have will never disappear, they will simply shrink or expand. There are never any more or less of them You will always have that many. This is established in childhood at around the age of 3. Well, short of liposuction or something else surgical to suck them out.
I have heard different opinions on that subject. Here is one article about it.


Well-Known Member
Yah, thank you for the encouragement, I really appreciate it.
I think I am going to switch over to eating really good quality wheat bread. I also don't drink all those juice mixes, and I have been paying attention to how much I have been eating.


Active Member
There is an excellent brand of bread that I am going to recommend. It is not made from ground up wheat so it has no flour in it. The blood sugar does not see a spike as it converts in the body nearly as badly, which is one of the main causes of diabetes and weight gain. It is called Ezekiel and you can find it at most healthy type stores. Some grocery stores carry it as well. I get mine a Trader Joes. It is also very filling due to high fiber content so you don't get as hungry.
As far as the muscle to fat thing, it is quite simple. Fat cannot turn into muscle. I know that a lot of people think that. Literally impossible. It may seem like that a bit as you see people lose weight though that would be like turning lead into gold. They are a completely different tissue made up of complete different components and they are fed a completely different way and thrive on different chemicals in the body. One cannot suddenly tranform. I wish it would though sometimes. How much easier would that be??
That is an interesting study though. It would not apply to adults with obesity problems however, because the white fat cells are what would make a person "fat". That would apply to brown fat cells turning into muscle for a developing child.


Well-Known Member
Today's Weight: 265
Well, that's ok that it has stayed the same. I am going to just keep excersizing and eating the right stuff, (and of course, fudge every now and then). by next monday, I bet I'll be 260. (hopefully!)


Well-Known Member
Today's weight: 265.
I'm not discouraged though. I haven't excersized hard in a couple days. Need to jump back on the band wagon!