Need advice on angle fish

salty guy

Need advice on angle fish
Ok I had a major infestation of ghost shrimp and fry (baby) mollies. It was to the point of loosing control and the fish taking over so I posted a message to the board and was told that a dwarf angle would be my best bet to rid my self of the problem.
I went to the LFS and saw a nice flame angle that looked very healthy, eat well, and seemed happy. After seeing how the fish was doing and looking at when they got him I came to the conclusion that he was in that tank for about 3 weeks and was doing well so I shelled out the $40 and took him home.
Since he was the fist “real” fish in the tank and knew that he has been around the LFS for 3 weeks I was confident that I could add him right in to my main tank.
Five days later no ghost shrimp and only a few fry are around. Now I read that Angles are difficult to keep. My old system never had any angles so I don’t know about there care except what I read. But if I feed them different things such as krill, shrimp, and flake food will they do ok? I don’t plan on having any aggressive fish in the tank with it so I don’t think any of its tank mates should stress it out.


As for feeding your angle I would refrain from using live fresh water fish as food it is not good at all for saltwater fish to feed on fresh water fish. I would be feeding him brine shrimp, flake food, mysis shrmp,angle formula frozen fish food. Feeding fresh water fish to your salt water fish can cause vitamen dif. and also they can injure the fish.

salty guy

Thanks for easing my concerns. I sure do like the little guy and would hate to see anything happen to him. Right now I feed him three types of frozen foods plus he snacks on any of those fry that come from there hiding places in the rock.
As long as he continues to be active, eats, and shows no signs of disease I will assume he is doing well. He seems to have made good friends with his tank mates and is out swimming around quite often.


I would try to get some seaweed selects for him too (get the green type). All angels need lots of greens and algae to thrive, and they are typically grazers. My coral beauty used to eat all day long, he'd pick at the rocks eating algae continuously and he loved the seaweed selects.