Need help with Emperor angel

a week ago i got a emperor angel about 4 inches(still changing) in 60 gal qt and i found out that every time the lights go off he gets A LOT...A LOT of ick and big white spots. When i wake up its all/mostly gone. Need help!!!
Don't know if this helps but he is in the tank with a cleaning wrassle and fire shrimp. He eats a little bit of everything. theres also 90lbs of live rock one ball sponge, and some corals,temp is 81,and water is good but i think nitrate is 3 somthing....please need help!!
well i know with some tangs that whenever the lights first go on or off they will have white spots resultig in looking like ich.. BUT>> i realize you dont have a tang.. this could be the same coinsidence though.. i dont think ich will just appear and disapear when need be