need HELP!!


:confused: There might be a possibility that I am moving, and that means I would have to drain and move my tank. It is in the middle of cycling right now, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are at peak. My question is if I drain it an move it and refill it is it going to start the cycle all over again?? It is 55 gallon by the way with sand bottom(not live), nothing else, using biozyme to cycle. Please help!!


Most likely it will have to cycle again. If you want to try to speed it up, get a new, clean 20 gallon rubbermaid trash can and try using some of the water you have now. This may speed up the cycle process at your new place. Also, keep your sand, this may help. Another thought would be to try using some liverock when you re-set up the tank to help it along.
Otherwise, you're SOL. But look at it in a positive light. You may have been trying to move a whole tank full of creatures, rock etc.
good luck with the move!


It stinks that you may have to move but it's better now than when you have a full tank. The cycle wouldn't need to start over if you kept the substrate wet and you could even use the same water if you put in clean buckets or a big garbage can. The nitrifying bacteria etc. are in the substrate and not the water and if you keep them alive you'll be in decent shape. You may be set back some but not all the way back to the beginning.HTH


:D Thanx for your responses I willl definitely keep my sand wet and I will try to keep the same water the bad part is, right now I live in an upstairs apartment so I will have to lugg all that water downstairs!! Sounds fun, huh? LOL