New Damsel has lymph/fin rot


My friends new 3-stripe Damsel has a bad case of lymph and fin rot. He is not sure if it will make it since it is so bad. He eats and swims like normal, but the spots on his fins are kinda big, and his tail fin is almost completly rotted away. How do you reverse it and get rid of it? Thanks


Active Member
The first thing to do is figure out what is causing it so it does not get any worse than it is alread is.
Is the fish being picked on?
What are the water parameters? (pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, salinity, temp)
What is the fish being fed?
Are vitamins and garlic being used?


I didnt know how to resize, sorry. He is being fed Prime Reef flakes, with no additive (garlic, vitamins). And he isnt getting picked on. He is being used to cycle his 20g tank. I think it is in the ammonia stage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
He is being used to cycle his 20g tank.
There is your reason. The fish is suffering through dangerous levels of ammonia and nitrite and probably stressed beyond belief.
This is why we stress not to cycle with fish, and to use a cocktail shrimp, live rock, fish food, etc. Cycling with fish is just cruel, in my opinion. That damsel does not look too happy...


But he bought him like that 4 days ago. The stupid guy at the fish store gave it to him like that, even though he knew he had it. Now, is he going to die from this? Or can I treat him.


Active Member
You can't treat him in a cycling aquarium. Having the levels way up is really hurting the fish. My suggestion would be to acclimate him to an already cycled tank.


Staff member
Using fish to cycle a tank is just cruel and unnecessary. Some LR rubble will be just, actually more, effective for cycling. I'm sure your friend did not intend to be cruel, but what does a hobbyist except to happen when you use a live animal for a cycle??
Is that fish exposed to other fish? He also looks as if he has been harassed.


I wasnt with him when he bought him, but he was probably with other Damsels. I gave him some of my established water to put in his tank to help the cycle also. Plus he bought a nice piece of LR from the LFS today.