New Plans, can anyone help me stock?


Active Member
Because of a recent add, I am goin to have to move my twenty gallon species to my 55 which ruins my future plans of a lionfish, pufferfish and maybe an eel. (the plans were never certain)... but neways... These guys are a tomato clown (thinking about buying another), two yellow tail blue damsels, a cammel back shrimp and my arrow crab and pink damsel are already in my 55. My blue damsel and hermit crab and maybe the arrow crab are going to go into my 5 gallone exhile tank.
Neways, Now I have a twenty gallon which is used for cleaner shrimp snails and a mandarin. I am also going to get some snails for my 55.
But what else could I put in the 55 aquarium. It's quite alot of space for such little guys. My tomato is probably about and inch and a half and my damsels are a little smaller.
I was thinking a tang or two (I heard they like to be together), I have had my eyes on them for a while, but do they need lr? Because both tanks are FO tanks.
I was also thinking about different clownfish and a few anenomes but what kind of lighting do i need for anenomes?
Any other suggestions is greatly appreciated because I don't want this tank to go unused. I spent too much time and money for this 55 to have 20 gallon species in there. :rolleyes:


anenomes are nice and clownfish love them. also consider sexy shrimp with anens as they will occupy the anen like a clown and are very interesting. Anens are fine in low light situations as long as you feed them food. Give them any cut up seafood like squid, fish, scallops, shrimp etc. No high light needed.
(for those who disagree with anen/no light I had mine for 2 years in 70 gallon with only 100 watts of NO light) :)