new puppies!!


here's our new puppies! they are a little over a week old. they are welsh corgis. sorry the pics are blurry i took them with my phone... more pics to come!


and i think this one is the male... lol. well i know the male is already spoken for! my uncle wants him so he can herd the goats and all, since they are herding dogs.


and here's a pic of their daddy! he and our westie have been sentenced to spending a lot of time outside, away from the babies.



and here's the mommy! sorry this pic is awful, but she couldn't move cuz the little ones were hungry! so she's in the shadows.


so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What sweet babies!!!!! good luck to you with raising them, they are like children and will rip your house down!!!lol don't worry, puppies= love!!!!


well the best part and worst part is that i don't live at home, i'm staying in the same town as my school for the summer. so it's good that i don't have to clean up after them all the time but it's bad cuz i don't get to see them or my family very much.

there were actually 7 puppies born, but the first three didn't make it. my dad thinks they were stillborn because she didn't even finish cleaning them up. this was her first litter too! eventually i'm going to keep a puppy for myself. but it'll have to be from a future litter cuz i live in the dorms during the school year.


Very nice! Never would have guessed those were corgi puppies.
I love them but my wife refuses to have 1. Her ex had them! :mad:


Active Member
ADORABLE puppies!!!
Keep them warm and hydrated and watch their food intake, little babies like that can go hypoglycemic quicker than you'd believe!!
...I'm sure u know all this, I'm just being a nosy neighbor.

Congratulations!!!!! more pix!!! :jumping:


i talked to my dad earlier today, and he said they've changed so much in a week! i'm going home tomorrow after work to see them, and to take more pictures! i guess their eyes still aren't open, don't know when they are supposed to. i can't wait till they're big enough to play with so when i go home they'll be even more fun! lol.