New to clams! Maxima


Active Member
put it between two or three rocks, with low flow. if u hv it between rocks, there is no way it can jump off.


Active Member
looks like ur tank has very low bioload. if thats the case, just feed it 2x per week. i hv never fed any of my clams, even when its less than 2 inches. my tank has many fish though, so it feeds off the poops.


I do have a fair amount of
1 Purple Psh.
1 Purple Firefish
2 Osc. Clownfish
1 6 line wrasse
1 Aussie hammer.. 2inchs
AOG Zoas 4 heads
Green/Orange Zoa 5 heafds
Green hairy mushrooms 6 heads? not sure lol
Pom Pom white xenia
7 inches of GSP
1 Purple sebea
1 White bubble coral
I think thats about it ...


Active Member
oh ok, i didnt see any fish from the pic. just go easy on the food, since feeding too much can pollute the tank.


Today before I did a water change in my tank i noticed the edges of the clam are green where it was blue... I don't know if maybe it was not fully out the other day or this is a sign for something? Maybe I should move him up more towards more light or get another 10k bulb... not sure... let me know


Your lighting will probably change the coloration. If you want him to stay blue, he needs to be in more light. I have a small maxima in a 14G BioCube with a 24watt 10K, the clam is only 4" from the light, in moderate flow and is doing great there. You've also moved it around a lot lately, it needs a chance to adjust to it's new environment.


thats good... its looks pretty happy just wanted to be sure... its got bigger since I got it and people say its hard to get them to live whn they are that small..


My blue's are ones that came with the fixture by aquaticlife.. that is how it is stamped on the bulbs.. The 10k it came with where the same but i changed them to "75.25" bulb by a brand called UV lighting company. i currently use one 10k and one 20k


Originally Posted by Daftboy
is UVL not a good company ?
not really. For T5 lighting, you want to stick with Geissman, ATI, WavePoint or even Coralife. The so called "no name" brands usually don't give off enough PAR. The might look okay to the

eye, but they're not doing much for your tank. There is a reason some brands are more popular and expensive than others.


Active Member
uvl has much lower par ratings than ati. kz is also another good brand, as well as aquascience. all german brands basically.


I guess ill just have to wait... im upgrading tanks in about 6 weeks so no point in wasting the money on the lights if the coral will be ok till then.


Active Member
if you're using the same fixture, i say start adding in the lights now because with the increase in par that you'll be doing, add a good bulb every 14 days til you have all bulbs in