New to corals


I have a JBJ 28g HQI with 150w halide and 36w actinics. It has finished cycling and my levels are good. I have a fire shrimp and a CUC and im going to add a pair of rods onyx clowns to my tank.
My question is on corals i want to get " bright" ones. I want a colorful tank but i have no idea where to start. Could you please list some names or pics/names of some bright corals.
I pan on a gorgonian and sun coral for sure and whatever else i can find that'll make my tank colorful. Thanks


Staff member
I'd suggest getting "Corals A Quick Reference Guide" by Julian Sprung as a start. A great reference, with great pics.


Active Member
u should consider getting into sps corals since u hv mh lighting. sps comes with many different colors and shapes. the only drawback is u will need good flow and calcium level.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
u should consider getting into sps corals since u hv mh lighting. sps comes with many different colors and shapes. the only drawback is u will need good flow and calcium level.
SPS tends to be something that is better to get into once you're established with the textbook softies, IMO. SPS is much less forgiving of a lack of knowledge than GSP. However, SPS, as nycbob stated, can be in your future since you do have strong lighting

I recommend looking into zoanthids, mushrooms, green star polyps, etc.. as they can add tons of color to your aquarium. Good luck!