niger missing


i just got my baby niger trigger and this morning i woke up and its missing i checked everyhting in the tank and checked around the tank and its not anywhere but i have like 7 emerald crabs but i thought the niger would attack the crabs i also have like 3 blue leg hermits does anybody have any idea what happen?


Active Member
first off, do you have a cover for the tank? how big is the trigger. if it is small enough then it couldve swam up the filter or got sucked up.


He might be in your overflow, check back there. Also what size was the niger, and what is the size of the crabs. Emerald and blue legged?


the emerald crabs are almost a inch the niger was small probably like 2 inches i have a crack at the tip of the tank that the cover doesnt cover i dont know the sizes of the blue legs and i checked the powerhead but you think the niger could of been sucked up from the filter in one night i saw him having little trouble but i pushed it away and he didnt go back to it so i dont think it is that


nope i think they nipped at him unitl he fell and they he died and they ate him im just going to buy a bigger one so if they crabs try to attack him he will eat them


It is possible that your niger is still alive and well in the tank. They have a unique ability to squeeze into crevices if you have a lot of liverock. Also, if they are stressed, they can stubbornly refuse to come out and lock their trigger against the rock. Wait a couple days... he may appear. :notsure:


My niger hides a lot also. When I first got mine he wedged himself in the live rock and didn't move much at all. Just wait a while like what was said earlier. If he is alive and in there he will come out when he is hungry. Also try getting a feeding stick or whatever and put it down in the rocks. For the first couple days I had to feed him krill with the stick until he started eating on his own in the tank. Hope that helps.


If you have sliversides, put a few in the tank to see if he would come out, he most likely wont be able to resist this, since its like candy for fish.


i found my niger under a peice of live rock but it was stuck its just lying donw for now but it tried swimming buts its struggling what do you think will happen will it be fine