niger trigger in a 65?


Active Member
I got the trigger as a gift...he is tiny..probably 1 inch or 1.5...
He should be alright in the 65 for a while right? Im hoping to keep him till he gets more comfortable in the tank to where I can catch him..everytime I walk near the tank he goes in the rock work...
I've had mine for about 3+ weeks now and he's still a chickenhawk..! So far the only thing that's getting him to come out is me just staying still in front of the tank. Im sure with time he'll be as friendly as my puffer that's like a dog in water. It just takes time and even try to taunt him with food, just watch your finger! Cause when they bite it stings for hours!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coffeejunkie33
I've had mine for about 3+ weeks now and he's still a chickenhawk..! So far the only thing that's getting him to come out is me just staying still in front of the tank. Im sure with time he'll be as friendly as my puffer that's like a dog in water. It just takes time and even try to taunt him with food, just watch your finger! Cause when they bite it stings for hours! a dog in water eh?
well I will try to get him out pretty soon. Maybe a fish trap will work?


Active Member
He's not hurting anything in there for the time being is he? He should get more comfortable after awhile but as far as right now he's not too big for the 65 for the time being.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Nigers grow very fast. Search Small Triggers and see how their tank has come along. His/her niger grew like a weed. You have a year at best. Once it hits 3 or more inches it will use all 48" inches of that tank. Then a 6 footer would be good for a few years IMO.