odd trigger behavior


i have a 180 with 3 Yellow Tangs, a Stars and Stripes Puffer, and a Pink Tail Trigger. They have been living together without insident for some time now. But the past week or so the Pink Tail will eat any algea sheets I put in there in seconds. I have tried to feed him first and then add the sheets but he will still eat them. I sometimes have to add 3 for 4 sheets before the tangs even get any. So my what I want to know is this. Is he doing this to spite my Tangs. Is this normal behavior for him. And are the Sheets healthy or are the going to make him sick.


Active Member
I dont think it will make him sick, even though he is a carnivor, because all my fish eat my NORI,, Clowns Damsels, Gobys, they all love it,, did you try gettting a second nori clip, and putting in 2 clips with nori at the same time at both ends of the tank, he cant be in both places at once! Good Luck!


Active Member
I had a

trigger that used to eat the nori sheets as well. I have also seen, and heard of other triggers that would eat them.


I gave him some krill at the same time i put in the nori but as soon as he got finished with the krill he went right for it. I might have to pick up a second clip and try out your idea, but i cant play with it anymore today i already feed them more then i wanted to.