Oiuji board


Originally Posted by Salt Life
but why not?
I won't go into any stories...religion has NOTHING to do with it either
I can just tell you I used one in my teens (I was not high either..lol) and some wierd stuff went on.....
I just think they are better left in the box at the store...or in a fireplace..LOL


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
You dont want people to start calling you Captain Howdy, do you?
LOL...who are you asking that?
Another thing that is really odd
I had the Ouija board in NY...when I was a teen living in my parents house....I got married...moved (still NY)...my parent divorced...sold house....I got divorced...Moved from NY to OK
GUESS WHAT IS HERE???? I DID NOT BRING IT...I have not seen it since I was 16....OHHHH...And I have not thrown it out either

Do not ask me why...cause I have no clue


Originally Posted by Salt Life
(spelt that wrong I think)
Has anyone ever tried a oiuji bored? my girlfriend has one and I want to try it but I googled it and people put some whacky stories.
best to leave it alone or give it a go?
When you get a Ouji, it comes with a 'name' of a person inside. That is your "door' to communication with the spirit world. You MUST keep an open mind when using it but on the other hand you really need to believe in its power; which it does possess. Back in the day, I had a few real experiences with the board that I will never forget. And you can never destroy it...except by fire. Don't just throw it away or give it to someone, when you are finished tinkering with it. Once its power is unleashed it is yours forever...that's why you never see them in Goodwill or secind- hand stores.

salt life

Active Member
so if I were to do it, just don't piss of the person I talk to? my gf has used it before and hasn't had any "bad" experiences yet, I guess is the right thing to say. It is something I do want to experience, I just don't want to like be haunted by a demon or somethin, cause that would suck.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
so if I were to do it, just don't piss of the person I talk to? my gf has used it before and hasn't had any "bad" experiences yet, I guess is the right thing to say. It is something I do want to experience, I just don't want to like be haunted by a demon or somethin, cause that would suck.
you are not going to be possessed......geez

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
you are not going to be possessed......geez
I said haunted not posessed, must be that time of month huh meowzer!
I have heard/read that if you call a ghost into the place that you use the board they will follow you and like feed off your energy.


Hey....that was uncalled for....geez....
I already gave my opinion on the Ouija board use....IF you truly want the experience then go for it....be aware though...you may have NO experience at all....

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Hey....that was uncalled for....geez....
I already gave my opinion on the Ouija board use....IF you truly want the experience then go for it....be aware though...you may have NO experience at all....
hehe, be awareee... sounds spooky.

tank a holic

Active Member
do - do - do - do
do - do - do - do
dude you're thinkin this is way more than what it is
you arent going to get haunted, and it might not matter what you say to the spirit they may still get pissed
some of em are just pricks, and thats when you decide to have fun and tell them so
talk about hair raising experience...

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
I said haunted not posessed, must be that time of month huh meowzer!
I have heard/read that if you call a ghost into the place that you use the board they will follow you and like feed off your energy.
Dude, if you really want to do it, DO IT. If you don't want to do it then DON'T. Sheesh



Originally Posted by jemshores
When you get a Ouji, it comes with a 'name' of a person inside. That is your "door' to communication with the spirit world. You MUST keep an open mind when using it but on the other hand you really need to believe in its power; which it does possess. Back in the day, I had a few real experiences with the board that I will never forget. And you can never destroy it...except by fire. Don't just throw it away or give it to someone, when you are finished tinkering with it. Once its power is unleashed it is yours forever...
that's why you never see them in Goodwill or secind- hand stores.

LOL...did you read my post. #24...


Hmm, I did it once. I was somewhere between 12-24 deep. I don't think I liked it, but don't put much stock in it...sober. Better things to do with the time...such as posting on a fish forum
...no time in the day for hocus pocus.


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...did you read my post. #24...

Yes....thats quite uncanny!! But true. I watched an old friend attempt to burn one one time, in a burn barrel, with gas. I swear, it was soaked, ignited, burnt till there was evidently no more gas on it, went out, and pretty much looked like the day it was purchased. No bubbling, no missing chunks, just a little, and I mean little, charred. It remained there in that barrel for a long time and nobody talked about it much from then on. If you do choose to tinker, I suggest calling up someone (spirit) that you personally know and like. Maybe an Aunt or close relative, and be firm about it. Don't jump from one person to another waiting on a sign. Stick to one. And remember, there is nothing to fear by fear itself!! BTW Meozer, where's yours???


Originally Posted by jemshores
Yes....thats quite uncanny!! But true. I watched an old friend attempt to burn one one time, in a burn barrel, with gas. I swear, it was soaked, ignited, burnt till there was evidently no more gas on it, went out, and pretty much looked like the day it was purchased. No bubbling, no missing chunks, just a little, and I mean little, charred. It remained there in that barrel for a long time and nobody talked about it much from then on. If you do choose to tinker, I suggest calling up someone (spirit) that you personally know and like. Maybe an Aunt or close relative, and be firm about it. Don't jump from one person to another waiting on a sign. Stick to one. And remember, there is nothing to fear by fear itself!! BTW Meozer, where's yours???

LOL...Under my bed...ever hear...keep your friends close...your enemies closer..LOL


Active Member
me and my friends used one before...i dont think it was all that great or worked that well for us. but when they closed their eyes it was fun to sneak up behind them and scare them. i wish it worked cause some of your guy's stories are really cool.