OJ Simpson Verdict


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OJ was just found guilty of all 12 charges. The most serious was the kidnapping charge with use of a deadly weapon.


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13 is an unlucky number for Mr. Simpson
13 years since the Acquittal
13 hours the jury deliberated
13th of September was the robbery date
The kidnapping charge in Nevada is a mandatory 10 to life with 10 years minimum to be served before parole.


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Amazing karma. 10 years to the day that he was acquitted for the murder........karma will bite you in the butt every time.


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When the verdict was read, he had this really somber look on his face, almost like he was a beaten man and had given up. There was something in his eye's and the way he twitched his lips as each verdict was pronounced "guilty" Almost like he wasn't in the here and now with this trial, but flashing back to Nicoles trial when the verdict was read.


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The travesty here is the scum bag who stole the stuff walks free. Simpson will be treated like a king in jail.


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Originally Posted by chowtownreefer
he didnt do the first one!
all these years he has been running around cocky as hell because he got away with murder, im just glad he is finally going to be behind bars, maybe he will reflect on his actions and realize that even - he - has to live up to the consequences of his actions