one week old 10 gallon pics


Originally Posted by Balltung75
Materials: silicone, plexiglass, spray paint, filter media, 1 power head, razor blade, dremel
* measure off the plexiglass and score it with the razor blade, then snap it in half so its the right size
* Measure another small piece to section the new filter in half and cut it
* dremel off a few slits on the top of the filter for overflow
* then dremel off slits in the bottom of the dividing piece
* drill a hole for the power head outake
* silicone the pieces into the tank
* place in the media and power head
*paint off the sectioned filter


I've got a question on this, my brother saw it & got interested & trying to make his own setup like this. I take it the middle baffle in the filter is just abit short so water can flow up it & into the powerhead area where it can then be pumped back into the tank? Also is evaporation bad on that tank since its so small?


I just cut some slits in the bottom of the divider and also I do small top off's each day to compinsate for evaporation


Originally Posted by Balltung75
I just cut some slits in the bottom of the divider and also I do small top off's each day to compinsate for evaporation

Do you have a lid on there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Balltung75
How long should i be running those lights for the coral?? :joy:
10-12 hrs. per day. Get a digital timer so you don't have to worry about it.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Nice corals and great looking rock!

i was gonna say, both look very healthy and full! im impressed by the tank overall, ive always wanted to DIY a nano. right on dude.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Balltung75
I bough 5lbs lr a frogspawn and hammer frag.

In this image, in the top right is a coral skeleton of a favia, is any of it still alive? If even one polyp is still alive, try feeding it to help it come back. It could slowly refill all of the dead holes.


I dont think any is alive my crabs swarmed it for about a day after i got it....10-12 hours seems a bit much? 96 watts i was goin round 7 thanks for feedback


Active Member
Definitely go for 10-12 hours of light. 7 hours is not a natural light cycle. Make sure you get a digital timer; I have found the mechanical cheap-o ones to be quite unpredictable!