Online Sales


There is only 1 LFS near me and always has limited stock so I was just wondering if anyone knew of another site to order live stock from, due to the fact that i live in NY the shipping from this site just kills me. It cost more for shipping then the actual live stock itself. If anyone has any Info please let me know.
Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Due to forum restrictions, we can not tell you to check out other online fish retail websites. You will have to go to another forum to ask that question. We can't tell you to check out live aquaria or spikes corals or cherry corals or harrys frags or reeftopia or anything like that because it would be a violation of forum policy. Understand? ;)
New York should have some pretty good high quality live fish stores... maybe you could request that your LFS special orders you some fish and corals. I'm sure they would be happy to get the business. :D


Well-Known Member
I also thought that has standard 34.99$ shipping to all of the continental US... has some awesome deals sometimes and you should try to take advantage of them when you can. I've also had some pretty good customer service from them in the past and would order from them again. I believe that shipping from any other website is also $35 a box...


Thanks snake! Yea I understand I kinda forgot about te forum rules... Oops.. But yea having them special order is a great idea I should talk to them about that!