P Shrimp Babies


Active Member
I just went out to the garage and looked at my frag tank in the dark and saw a bunch of flecks of crap in the water. I turned on the lights and saw about 200 little things that looked like little white brine shrimp. I have 2 peppermint and one fire shrimp in there. I assume they are p-shimp? I was going to try to net a few and put in the nylon 8X8" box but didn't. Maybe some will make it? I have a ton of hiding spots along with crushed coral for more surface area. I just bought a mandrin and he probably thinks he died and went to heaven. It is a blizzard. Any one ever breed these? What is the skinny?


Some people have raised them, but they are difficult and I here not worth the effort. They are great fish and coral food though. Thats the only reason I have pep shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
It is also possible they are mysid shrimp.
That would be great too. Who knows? Thanks