painting background on glass tnak


I saw that someone had used a type of spray paint and did the back (I don't know if it was acrylic or glass tank).
However, I have no idea as far as what kind of paint he used. Any suggestions?
I have always bought the sheet and used double sided tape to cover the back.
How durable is the paint? I don't want to end up with chips in the paint by moving or bumping something in the back.


I used just regular Krylon Indoor/Outdoor spray paint in gloss black. It has been durable so far. In fact, I slid a magnet-mounted powerhead on the back shortly after I painted it. It's a really strong magnet, so I was afraid I took a scrape out of the paint, but it was perfectly fine.
When I painted it, I laid the tank down on the front side and sprayed the paint on in thin layers with an hour or so drying time in between each layer. I also rotated around the tank and stood on a different side each time I put a layer on, so the paint ended up going on in four different directions. That helped to eliminate any thin spots where light would show through.

mike murphy

New Member
You could also use auto window tint. Less mess and easy to install. Did my 125 with a kit from Walmart. If you ever want to remove it take a pressure washer to it and use some goo gone afterwards. Clean as before the install.


Originally Posted by Mike Murphy
You could also use auto window tint. Less mess and easy to install. Did my 125 with a kit from Walmart. If you ever want to remove it take a pressure washer to it and use some goo gone afterwards. Clean as before the install.
Wow, this is a neat idea. I usually just spray paint mine.


COOL now with my tank having window tint it will be as white trash as my car!!!
Bubbled window tint RULES!!!