paring firefish


Active Member
anyone have experience pairing up regular red firefish? is it similar to pairing up clownfish by introducing two of the same size at one time or adding one firefish and then wait awhile then introduce another smaller firefish. i have a nc24 been set up for about 2 years now. 35 lbs of live rock so that provides a lot of hiding places. fishes i have right now are a maroon clown, and clown goby.


Active Member
IMO, if you want a maited pair, them put in a few juvies and let nature take its course. When the become sexualy mature then the males will establish a territory and atract a female and all other males will be chased away. If you only have 2 males, then they normaly fight to the death unless its a very large tank.


Active Member
thanks dogstar. just a few more questions. what do you do after you have a pair. what do you do with the other firefish that are around? my tank is full of rocks, and its going to be a really really really big hassle to take out all the rocks and corals just to catch out the other firefish. could i just leave them in there, and maybe they can school around or would the pair of firefish go after the others to get them out of their territory?


Active Member
In a 24, I would suggest trying to get others out IF there becomes a problem...BTW, with a Maroon in the tank, all firefish might be toooo timid and hide...cant say for sure, but firefish are very skidish around other active bigger fish.


Active Member
i am still debating if i should get maybe four firefishes so they can pair off, but first, i was considering selling or trading my maroon. then get a pair of true percula clowns. what do you saltwaterfishers think? btw thanks dogstar for your time to help.