PC Lighting....


I know I have been asking for a long long long time about lighting but Im coming to the end of my reasearch and im starting to purchese :cheer: . But I just have one question. Can I have Inverts and soft corals with Pc lighting? If so how many watts? Any info will be awsome!
:happyfish Steve :happyfish


Active Member
What are the dimensions of your tank?
Are you going to be keeping LPS, SPS, clams, and anemones also?


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
What are the dimensions of your tank?
Are you going to be keeping LPS, SPS, clams, and anemones also?
I have a 55 gallon tank. Yeah mostly everything that i can with pc lighting.


Active Member
Well with my 46 gal i've got 2 96 watt pc's and everything is doing spectacular. Just do research on every coral you wanna buy and make sure they dont have a high lighting requirement... if they do you may need halides =c)

bang guy

BTA can be kept under that lighting but I strongly recommend you hold off on getting an Anemone until you have more experience keeping your tank in optimum condition.


Yeah Thanks Im just making sure for the future if i buy this light. Is this a strong light? Will it meet the strong lighting requirements of corals.


that light is fine for most soft corals with moderate lighting requirements. Like bang said you could get a BTA. 260W on a 55 would be okay but you are still not going to be able to get "strong lighting" required corals. If you want to keep a lot more corals your best bet is to go MH!! i have 220W on a 60 and I am restricted by lighting and wish I would have went MH in the beginning!! Its more expensive but if your going to start a reef then its going to be expensive no matter what you do!!!


Active Member
With that lighting "I have it" you can keep all soft corals,LPS, polyps, zoos, shrooms. That sorta stuff. You can keep some low light anemones "there are some other types of anemones that are low light there is even one that needs no light blemmy bought one recently he emailed me pics of it".
With 260 on a 55 you can keep anything from no light to meduim high light.