Peppermint Shrimp.......dead??


abut a month ago i picked up 2 pep shrimp to help clean up some small aptasia's before i added any corals. well, i have been looking for them for about a week and can't find even one of them. i have a yellowtailed damsel and a cinnamon clown as far as fish. 2 emeralds, 3 red legs, 2 serpent stars, and 1 brittle star and a cucumber. could any of these things killed it? i know the shrimp don't really have much (if anything) of a body, but i haven't found or seen any remains either.
any ideas or help is appreciated.
(also, i have looked for them at night also and can't find them. and my LR is arranged where you can see pretty much anywhere in the tank.)


Active Member
could have become someones staple, but i would look into the fact of maybe anohter predator in hte tank as well, like maybe a mantis , but then again, maybe tehy are just real good at hiding, sometimes this happens as well, keep looking

obx fish

if this is any help...we just got 4 peppermints a week ago and today is the first time I've seen two of them come out to be seen. One died and we haven't seen the other since we put it in the tank. I did however notice that they've made a home under the base rock we have. Don't give up yet! And good luck!


serpent stars would eat a fish? damn! and mine is pretty big, about 5 inch long tentecles.
i don't think i have anymore hitchhikers in the tank, but i never know. anyone got pics of a mantis shrimp?
thanks for the info....anyone else have ideas??


I have never heard of serpents as being predatory. I have heard of brittle stars attacking fish and other critters though. I have had a large serpent star in my 75 since I set the tank up, and have never had a problem with him at all.


do a search for mantis shrimp; there will be a lot of posted info on them including pics; this site was selling peacock mantis shrimps


Active Member
I haven't seen my peppermint in a couple months. Her's a link for those ugle mantis shrimp
<a href="http://www/" target="_blank"></a> Hope you don't have one.


Active Member
tried to edit that but it didn't seem to work
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I have 2 peps in my 35 hex, I see them maybe once every 2 weeks.. They seem to hide well in the Live Rock... Try shutting the lights of right after feeding , then sneek in with a flashlight maybe 5 min. later ... You might catch them out then...
As far as serpants go, I posted some time ago about my serpant star that cleaned me out of fish. He ate every last one of them...
As with alot of things in a reef , I have found that you get some good and some bad ... Maybe 9 out of 10 serpants don't bother fish... But you may get the one that eats them... Same goes for crabs and other reef critters...I guess its just the luck of the draw...


I had a couple of Pepermint shirmp, i found the best way to find them for the first couple of months was to wait an hour or tow after i turned off the tank light then use a flashlight with red or blue celophane over the lens. this seemed to bother them the least, if i didn't do that they would just go and hide in a hole somewhere.