Peppermint shrimp

scott t

Active Member
I am new to SWF so dont Quote me on this but from what i have read they are reef safe... Other may want to chime in here that have been in the SwF hobby for a long time. But i have been reading and Researching for about 3 weeks on what can go in different types of tanks... SO, thats what i have to offer you... My suggestion is to read about anything that you are going to put into your tank to see what it is compatible with......


New Member
I have two peppermint shrimp in my mixed reef. They clean up apistia well but they were rather annoying otherwise. Even though I fed them daily they still would steal food I was trying to spot feed to different corals. They found their way into my glass overflow box and that is where I left them. I can still see them, they eat any food that makes its may into the overflow and the best part is they are not running a muck in my DT. I still feed the shrimp daily.


They are reef safe, but make sure you're getting Peppermint shrimp and not Camelback shrimp, which can look similar if you don't know any better. Camels will eat coral. It is completely hit or miss on whether or not Peppermints will eat Aiptasia, if you add 5, you may get 2 that actually eat Aiptasia. I only have 2 in my 155G and neither eat aiptasia. They will steal food from corals when you're trying to spot feed, so I normally just give them a big chunk of mysis to keep them occupied.
A word of caution: If you plan on keeping a mandarin, you may want to re-think Peppermint shrimp. Peppermints eat copepods and between a couple peppermints and a mandarin, the supply can deplete very fast. I'm always afraid that my mandarin might not be eating enough so I seed my tank with pods every week.