Pics of my new Imperator!!


I want one of those sooooo badly but i cant get my hands on one because i dont have a big enough tank.... lucky


He looks great! Wish I could have one.
Oh, a full tank pic or two would be great if possible!


Active Member
hmm .. they're alright with SPS .. but not much else .. and I'll get a full tank shot up


Active Member
I was sooooooooo close to getting me one today...ha ha ha....but:
1. I am not completely sure that I am completely cycled......(saw my ammonia and trites spike and come down...but thought it takes 4 - 6 weeks to completely cycle, and it has only been 3 don't know if I am in denial that it happened so quickly, or just plain paranoid)....but I tested my parameters, and went to 2 different LFS and got similar readings....??????????...I'll be safe and wait it out
2. Not sure what I want in my tank....I am told they are cool with SPS, but LPS would be a serious issue with them
3. Debating whether I want one of these or an Annularis Angel...
However, my choice LFS has one of these for $38 (juvi)
He said he was going to look into an Annularis for me....


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
I was sooooooooo close to getting me one today...ha ha ha....but:
1. I am not completely sure that I am completely cycled......(saw my ammonia and trites spike and come down...but thought it takes 4 - 6 weeks to completely cycle, and it has only been 3 don't know if I am in denial that it happened so quickly, or just plain paranoid)....but I tested my parameters, and went to 2 different LFS and got similar readings....??????????...I'll be safe and wait it out
2. Not sure what I want in my tank....I am told they are cool with SPS, but LPS would be a serious issue with them
3. Debating whether I want one of these or an Annularis Angel...
However, my choice LFS has one of these for $38 (juvi)
He said he was going to look into an Annularis for me....
i want one soo baf but fall 10 gal short of requirements


Active Member
I wouldn't put it as the first fish in your tank because it'll get the whole "this whole tank is mine" attitude. And be very aggresive to any additions after it.


Active Member
I'm working on that full tank shot .. I can't get one that shows any justice .. they all come out blurry and you can only see a big tan blur (my lionfish), 2 blue blurs (my hippo surgeonfish and imperator angelfish), and a little stick poking out of the rock (my snowflake moray's head)


Active Member
Originally Posted by flabeano
Is that red slime I see in the photo? Catch it early if it is....

yeah it is .. and I'm beyond early .. I'm using polyox right now but it's all around in various places


Active Member
Originally Posted by highcottn1
wait wats red slim? i think i may have some of it in my tank???
it's a bacteria that grows on live rock . people call it red slime algea . but it's not an algea at all .. it's bacteria .. it spreads really quickly


Active Member
yeah triGa .. haha .. are you talking about my 65 gallon .. or my 20 gallon .. haha .. my 20 gallon is now my QT .. and my 65 gallon is currently unemployed 210 gallon is currently up and running but has so many corals that the imperator would find tasty that he's in my 90 gallon at the moment .. I'm selling my 90 gallon however and upgrading to a 135 . I planned on adding the imperator after I upgraded but couldn't help but get this guy


Active Member
Wow! Sounds like you have your hands full. Any pics of all of the tanks! Cannot wait to see him in his new home! I absolutly love your tanks


Active Member
alrighty then .. here's some pics of my Russel's Lionfish in my 90 gallon:

Here's some pics of my Hippo: (first one is when he was in my 65 gallon)

Here's my Snowflake Moray in my 90 gallon: