Post Your Rare Fish Pics


New Member
Hey Leopardshark, can you tell me if you keep the Puffer and the Angel in the same tank? If not can you tell me your setups as far as who is in what size tank?
I also have a question about your puffer. Did you buy it as the gold? Reason I am asking is my LFS has a Black spotted puffer about 10-12 inches. They told me that it is only in its second phase of coloring and will change to the gold eventually. Is this true? Thanks for the help and I love the Pics.


Here are my horn and my whitespotted bamboo. They're not really rare but they're harderto find than other sharks.
note: as you'll see in the next pic, I finally got off my lazy a$$ and cleaned the coraline off the back :)


Active Member
more....Majestic Angel...and my first ever attempt at Photoshop...give me a break, I'm not an arTISTE. This is my fish, though...just played with the background...
Splash--that is one INCREDIBLE shark tank!
csr1: yes my puffer and my angel are in the same tank also with the tang. They are in a 125 gallon tank. What your LFS told you is true. They do actually have three stages of appearance. I'm not quite sure of what color the first stage is and the second is the black with usually white dots. Finally the third stage is the gold. I bought mine already gold and he's about 6-8 yrs of age. they usually have a life span of about 20-22 yrs in captivity. This puffer has been in a 1500 gallon tank in an aquarium in louisiana, then in a guys 375 then in the store i work at in a 180 and then in my 125. He's been in captivity for about 4 yrs now.


New Member
oh DROOL ...major drool. Arghh my keyboard...***yelling at the top of my voice "quick get the rags I'm floating here"***
Oh you guys are TOOO kind for sharing all those awesome photos.
(I think!)


New Member
Here is a pic of my snowflake eel.Hes not rare but he is one of my favorites.And gets along well with all of his other tankmates,which is a red volitan lion,a cowfish,a blue eyed tang,a tomato clown and a fumanchu lion.......Sweetpea:)


i noticed in this threda trojan44 u have a cool angel and i love the lighting effect u have used would u plz be able to tell me what u used
p.s i would be really grateful :)


Active Member
I'm not sure how rare the are, but they are hard to find in the trade
Russell's Lion (click for bigger pics)

Banded Moray Eel (click for bigger pics)