Proposed list for tank, please advise.


Hi guys. Im soon to start up new reef. Here is what Im thinking;
60g cube drilled in back with overflow
Aquem ProFlex sump#2 (rated for 75 g)
Bubble Magus bm-nac 3+ protein skimmer with Atman ph1100
EcoTech Radion xr 30w Gs light (max PAR 900)

If you have used or have knowledge on these please let me know your honest opinions. Many thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi, Welcome to the site!

You will need quite a bit more equipment: I am not familiar with the lights, skimmer or sump you listed...sorry
  • 2 Power heads...the wave is the life of the ocean and your SW tank
  • Test kits for a reef system...master kits are cheaper then purchasing them individually.
  • Reef salt mix
  • RO (Reverse osmosis) water (never use well water or tap for a reef) Either purchase a unit, or purchase RO from your Grocery store,Walmart sells it for 37 cents a gallon.
  • Refractometer is start up the tank, an hydrometer will work...but a reef should have accurate SG readings, you need a refractometer for that.
  • Thermometer... the sticky one on the glass is best
  • Heater
  • Live least 40 to 50 pounds of it
  • Live reef sand ( this site sells some awesome reef sand)


Thanks flower. I am getting back into this after many years away. I use to have a 125g reef so I am familiar with all the other things needed; just curious on the setup I was looking at.
I didn't know if being away so long if these were good choices. Thanks for your input. I appreciate it.