puffer and anenomoes


Just wandering, I have an aggr. tank so I don't have a lot of decorations other than live rock. I have a huge maroon clown which is probobly the most aggressive fish in my tank. Could i put a large anenomeos in the tank? Do you think the maroon clown would protect it are would something kill it? My tank consists of: 1- large maroon clown
1- dogface puffer
1- huma huma (3 inches)
1- Niger trigger
1- panther grouper
1- domino damsel
Are there any kinds of corals,sponges,clams are anything that you have had success in a tank with fish like this.


Wow. Out of all those and the Maroon is the most aggressive?! You got pretty lucky then. The clown will protect the anemone as long as its hosting it, but thats another issue, no guarantees it'll host. For a Maroon I'd probably go with a Bubble Tip Anemone, certain others are also preferred but I've seen a lot of success with Maroons and BTA's in my experience.
Corals, sponges and clams are all pretty much no no and no. I dont think they'd last long. Even if they dont bother them at first (which is luck once again) they definitely will at some point. The risk is just way too high. There's been cases of people that have kept 'coral nipping' fish in a reef system with no problems but then before you know it corals are getting ripped to shreds. I've never personally tried your above setup with combination of corals/clams but it wouldn't sound wise to me. Maybe some others can give you 1st hand advice. Good luck!


Active Member
I wouldn't bother with it, I'd say there is a slim to non chance that one of those fish won't eat it. Between the dogface and the triggers you have pretty much garanteed that you're going to be doing a lot of scrubbing and never going to have corals. But on a better note, that looks like it is going to be a fun tank, I want to see pictures!


Active Member
An anemone should be fine with those fish, but you need to remember anemone's are very sensitive to water parameters and a messy aggressive tank makes it very difficult to keep params stable.