Puffer Puffed


Active Member
Okay, my eel was going after my fish so i decided it was time to feed my fish. So i started to feed the eel and then i fed the puffer. The eel attacked the puffer again so instead of using my hand i knocked the eel away from the puffer and put the net around the puffer, moved him to the other side of the tank away from the eel. The puffer was blown up but when i released him a bubble was comming from his side. You could see right into him. When he deflated I noticed that part of his skin was torn away. He looks okay but what can i do besides get rid of the eel (which i was already planning on doing tomorrow)? I don't know what to do, he looks okay but man, he's gotta be hurting.


Active Member
Okay, he looks horrible now, even within these three minutes. What concerns me is that it's right over his gills. What can I do???


Active Member
Put him in QT if you have one - assuming there is anything else in main tank.


what type of puffer??
I hate to say it but more than likely the net caused the tear part of its body could have got cought in the net and when he got scared and puffed out there was no where for the skin to move. I made this mistake on my porky puffer it didnt rip all the way through but it did cause a laseration on the side. also with the net the usualy blow up really quick and can blow out there sides and air bladder by taking to much air in at one time.
I am not sure what you can do for it though. might do a search and see what it shows if no one has any ideas on it.


Active Member
Well i can set up one but here's the dilemma.... if i move him he blows up again but blasjfkdjals, i really shouldn't do that. I bought some melafix and stress coat to help, i've been told that it wouldnt' hurt other fish...


to move him use a clear iced tea jug or something simliar he wont feel as threatened and wont puff out. I dont know if that will harm other fish or inverts but i would move him bacause if the other fish take and start going after his tear they can aggrevated it and make things worse.


Active Member
Makes sence, maybe i can block him off but i really don't want to try to move him or anything. I don't think i can risk it... but maybe i can kind of block him away from everything else....
Man this is horrible... i probably did tear his skin with the net cuz i moved it pretty fast. D*mn that eel...


I dont think the ell would be able to hurt the puffer. my yellow headed morray would bump mine with his mouth as if to say move but never tried to bite on him.
if you can get a tank dvider for your size tank that would work great to keep them seperated
BTW I learned the hard way about the nets with puffers sorry you did to.


Active Member
thnx, i knew nets and puffers were a bad mix but this was a much better plan than my hand.
Here is a pic of what it looks like...


Active Member
It's a really bad cut.... all that white is his insides and it's right on his gills. Is there anything else i can do besides adding med and seperating him?


thats all I can think off I dont know of anything else that you can do.
what it looks like even though the picture is small that he might have blown up so fast that he blew out the airbladders on the inside. since there is stuff hanging out the best thing you can do is add some kind of medication that would help keep an infection at bay and hope for the best.
sorry I cant give you better ideas though I know its ruff.


Active Member
thank you for your help. Nothing is hanging out, that is just the skin that was torn off is kind of dangling.


Active Member
thnx for all your help. When i went to check on him this morning Ifound him lying on the sand, he has died :(


sorry to hear that. but the chances were slim with the damage that was done. just remember it fir next time so it doesnt happen again.
again soory that the puffer was lost.