Puffer Shakes


Active Member
Also I would go buy your own test kit, Sailfert is the best and find out exactly what your levels are at, don't rely on your LFS. You also should have at least 125 pounds of live rock in your tank but I'm not sure if it would help because the copper you added will kill most of it off. You should start running Chemipure or something that will remove as much copper as possible, however you will never be able to fully remove and subsequently might never be able to add inverts and several fish are very sensitive to it also. Were you testing your copper level while adding?
Agree with everyone else though, buy a protein skimmer, a good one, do 25% water changes every week and up your water flow. Also siphon your crushed coral out every change. Good luck, hopefully you can get your tank back on track. Do lots of reading in these forums!!!


If your going to use tap water(highly not recommended)you HAVE to get rid of the chlorine in the tap water!!!!!!!