Question for Squidd or anyone else living in the far North


New Member
After finally getting the go ahead from my significant other to convert my freshwater 55G tank to SW I have dove head first into my research on where to begin.
I figure after a month or so of research I should be ready to begin purchasing the extra equipment I will need to pull this off and begin cycling my tank.
I noticed in a post I read that Squidd is from Northern, WI. I personally live in the Upper Peninsula of MI; so he may be able to give me some good advice here. From what I have read thus far, I should let my tank cycle for a good month or two before adding any fish. This would put me at about mid December when the temp. is well below freezing. Being in such a remote area there is really no where for me to go and buy fish so ordering is my only option. What has peoples experience been when ordering fish in the dead of winter? should I wait til it warms up before doing this? I don't want to order fish and have them frozen in a block of ice when I receive them.
Back to trying to get my head around this 'refugium' concept and how best I can pull it off.
Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
swf sends stuff in styrofoam boxes with heat packs, i live in northern ohio and ordered in january, and everything lived.


I live in Wisconsin as well but I am from the UP. Ordering online there is not a usually a problem as long as you dont let it sit outside forever.


Active Member
I live in maine.
nuf said.
I try not to order too much in the dead of winter because no matter how well you pack an order r-19 insulative capacity can only restrain so much cold, heat packs run out of oxygen in a well sealed insulated container (everytime) the better insulated it is the less oxygen it has to work with, if its not sealed air tight it heats well for 12 hours then bleeds out. so you get a temp crash at the end of shipping.. just like cold packs (except )they work best in sealed tight containers.
I only ship during moderate spring/early summer to late summer/early fall dead of winter... not after the first three years. this is when I ship right now no packs good insulation. well padded.


Active Member
Sounds like a good excuse for a road trip to you live within a few hours of anywhere significant?
(Having lived up north -REALLY NORTH< Yellowknife, NWT, canada - and receiving beautifully sparkled bags of ice decorated with neons, I'm a little wary of trusting the airlines. There are instances of boxes being left out on the runway for an hour or two at -45)


I live in northern wisconsin and Im a Yooper (gladstone). Just be home when the truck, ups or fed ex, arrives and all will be fine!