Question on blueish water from shipped fish.


What is in the water when you recieve shipped fish causing the water to be blue? Is it medication? Sedation?
If its medicated water is qt still necessary? If qt is still necessary, why medicate and cut that cost from the process and present the hobbiest cheaper prices?
Just curious.


Well-Known Member
I wish I knew. I know copper is blue but if the water is blue that's enough to kill a fish. Malachite green can look blue and its a type of medication. I'm interested in finding a real answer too.


Staff member
Please contact SWF directly with this question. If I were to guess (and that is all it would be--a guess) it is a product containing methylene blue since there could be direct benefits to a highly stressed fish in transit as well as reducing ammonia/nitrite in the water bag. Such an additive does not eliminate the need to fully QT new fish. It is solely to improve quality of life in transit.
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