Quick Help PLEASE with Pulsing Xenia.


Bought a nice frag of pulsing xenia from one of the local LFS's yesterday, well when they lady put it in the bag and walked upstairs, the frag flipped over onto the xenia, the other guy noticed this and fixed it, this frag was 36.99.... so my gf buys this and gets charged 39.99 she noticed when we returned home... well not the xenia is in the tank and it looks sickly since the minute we put it in, its all shrunk up and its not doing much, yes i let the bag float atop for about 30 mins before adding to my tank, I even left off the lights for a couple hrs to take off some stress... this am its still small as hell and shrunk up... does this stuff take a while to come back or should we take this back to the LFS today and ask for an exchange along with the credit of 4 bucks....
will take a picture if need be...
and my water is purrrrfect, I have green start polyps now, green/brown zoo's, and long stem xenia as well.. all of this is thriving and spreading at a descent rate...
please help, I dont wanna lose the xenia, but I think the lady at the LFS damaged it....


Active Member
well did u drimp acclimate it at all? And not to sure how big it is but 39.00 is really alot of money if you ask me. Not sure if thats good for ur area. Also how long has it been in your tank? I would wait and see how it does it take a day or so to get use to your tank. If you can take a pic it would help more.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
well did u drimp acclimate it at all? And not to sure how big it is but 39.00 is really alot of money if you ask me. Not sure if thats good for ur area. Also how long has it been in your tank? I would wait and see how it does it take a day or so to get use to your tank. If you can take a pic it would help more.
I didnt drip acclimate it, I left the bag afloat in my tank for 30 mins or so.... then added it to my tank... It was a descent sized frag at the fish store, nice long stalks and a lil bushy for 36.99. we got charged 39.99 =0( (wasnt happy about the overcharge, did not notice til I got home, my gf bought this... its been in my tank overnight, this is why I am stressing that if its dying to please let me know, I will bring it right back to the LFS today for an exchange, I think she hurt it when it flipped upside down in the back, it shrunk up instantly....
here a link to pics since I dont know how to post/host them here :
Pic 1 : http://community.webshots.com/photo/...21013495gGlUTx
pic 2 : http://community.webshots.com/photo/...21013781IbKTtv
pic 3 : http://community.webshots.com/photo/...21013786EHCxEo
pic 4 of my zoo's : http://community.webshots.com/photo/...21013798LVasAI
pic 5 of long stem xenia doing fine: http://community.webshots.com/photo/...21013805hpaOfv
everything in my tank is doing well except this new addition of pulsing xenia... should i just return it and ask for an exchange also the price error credit??
thank you in advance for help


well for all corals inverts and delicate livestock drip acclimating is a must..... sorry i cant help you out anymore... i would try callingyour fish store and see what they say


Active Member
well it dosent look like its dieing and her flipping it in the bag wouldnt do much to it they are very hardy. Since its only been in ur tank for less then a day i would give it some time. It still trying to adjust to your tank and not dripping it will have some affect on it. Because your tank is not gonig to to close to water prams. SO give it time and it should be doing good. Do you have any flow on it? IMO i think its doing ok for just getting pu in the tank. Next time you get anything i would drip it because thats alot of money to spend and have something die. There is a great way to do that on this site. Well good luck hope it goes well for you.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
well it dosent look like its dieing and her flipping it in the bag wouldnt do much to it they are very hardy. Since its only been in ur tank for less then a day i would give it some time. It still trying to adjust to your tank and not dripping it will have some affect on it. Because your tank is not gonig to to close to water prams. SO give it time and it should be doing good. Do you have any flow on it? IMO i think its doing ok for just getting pu in the tank. Next time you get anything i would drip it because thats alot of money to spend and have something die. There is a great way to do that on this site. Well good luck hope it goes well for you.
well thats good to know, I didnt drip anything I've put into my tank, I guess I will start from here on out though... I thought it was just stressed out but I wanted to be sure ya know... in the LFS this piece was HUGE with nice pulses and THICK STALKS... how long do you think it'll take to get used to my tank ? I know my green star polyps back when I got those, they didnt even open for a week....


Active Member
i mean it all depends. Cant tell really in the pics how its really doing. But i would say give it a couple day because it needs some time. I would also start dripping. beause one day you will end up with a deal coral. Also when you put the coral in ur tank do you add the LFS water? IF you do that i would also not do that because you dont know what they have in there water. But good luck


I dont add the water it comes with no...
I did do a 5 gal water change shortly after the add though...
But this thing looks just as it did when I added it, looked GREAT at the LFS....
I hope it comes around, thats why I asked if I should return it today rather then wait til it dies and get nothing?


Active Member
well you can do that. its all up to you. I didnt think they took stuff back saltwater wise. but if they do go ahead and do it taht way you dont lose out.


Most places dont take back saltwater stuff, but given I am in there every saturday, they know my face and I figured they may work something out for me... I'm gonna give it a chance in the tank, it seems to have perked up a tiny bit...


Active Member
GIve it some time to get acclimated to where you have it in the tank. To be frank, I never drip nor temperature (float) acclimate any corals. I place them on a paper towel for about 2 or three minutes and allow them to deflate and shrink, then place them in the tank and let em be. Never lost a one yet. Pulsing xenia is rather quick to pump back up, maybe not to original size right off, but it should pump back up and start doing its pulsing thing. They prefer having water ph from 8.2 and above for best results and lower ph may cause them to quit pulsing.
Corals are shipped every day in bags in boxes, and most certainly get rolled around in transit, so the simple flipping over more than likely did not harm it. The xenia should open up quicker than the GSP. GSP are / can be some pretty slow to reopen and get back to what they were corals...


i recently introduced several frags of pulsating xenia into my 55 reef. My thermostat on my heater accidently got bumped up to 94 degree and the next day it looked like all of it was melting/dieing. After cooling the tank down and waiting 3 or 4 days it was back to looking normal. Xenia is pretty hardy, some describe it as a "saltwater weed"