Quick question


New Member
Is there any advantage to buying a 37 gallon tank over a 29 gallon tank when the only difference is the 37 is taller. It is being used in a fish only system.
Also just want to say hello this is my first time posting on this board and what i have read here is some really good advise.

david s

the advantage is more water volume so changes in chemistry are a little more forgiving but it is a small change in volume so just a little better i guess it would come down to your choice what you will like better


As far as stocking it goes there will be no real difference as height isn't the real factor. But you'll be able to keep your water quality better and more stable with the larger one.
Good Luck


New Member
That was my thought but i just figured i could get everyones info on it you see this is for my GF and she has never done this before so i know i will be taking care of it and at the moment i am trying to talk her into a reef tank set up where the 37 would be a little better for hiding my pleneum but if she really only wants a fish tank then i am not sure if i want to spend the extra bucks on it
but anyways thanks for your help