Rabbitfish and sailfin did the tango


Active Member
My rabbitfish and sailfin today were sparing over something and left my sailfin with a barb in his side. My question, is this something I need to worry about, or will nature take care of it? No signs of paralyse or lethargy or appetite, but worried about infection. Any advise is always appreciated.
Do I need to get the barb out, or does it just do it on it own?


Active Member
My rabbitfish has a definite chunk out of it where the barb is logged into the sailfin. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Update, my cleaner shrimp worked on it, and removed the barb. He now has a hole, but looks clean.


Active Member
Vemon is rather fast acting, so if the Sailfin is fine by now, probably no worries. Infection is always a chance, but with good water and a stress-free environment, they should heal themselves up quickly. Limit the foot traffic past the tank if you can, and any other stressors you can think of.