
So i went to LFS to pick up somethings and saw a snowflake eel and i just had to buy it! I currently have a 80 gal tall reef tank with only 2 clown fish (i have not much luck with fish just corals except my 2 clown fish). So here are a couple questions:
How often should i feed? (the eel is about 12inches)
What should i feed?
I have about 80-90lbs of live rock ...should i still put some kinda pvc or prefab cave in the tank?(he has found one spot for now but kinda seems small and will out grow it)
Thanks for any help! Also feel free to throw out any opinions or suggestions!


Active Member
Reef tank? I hope you don't have any crabs or shrimp... of course, if you do, you won't have to worry about feeding him for a little while.


Active Member
I don't know much about them except for them being known as escape artists. Just make sure you have a secured top. It also will eat fish that it can fit inside its mouth and is a nocturnal eater though you can train it differently. Al I know.


Active Member
Well my first suggestion would be do this kind of research prior to purchase.
Second get a snug fitting top with no place for it to get through. I have read a few posts where they end up as eel jerky as they can escape from the most unlikely openings.


Active Member
I had one a long time ago. They are cool but as mentioned they are escape artists. You will have to watch them closely to figure where he is getting out (its not a matter of if). Also have gloves you are going to find him on the floor its only a matter of time. However the 1 I had seemed to be able to survive on the floor for a whil unlike a fish. Do you have kids? they are posionous. They are fun to watch and feed meaty foods as often you would any other fish (every couple days). You also dont need to put a piece of pvc or anything he will find his home in there. He will push sand out from under a rock and live down there. They dont need alot of room to make a home and you will be amazed what he can fit into.


Thanks for the heads up ...as stated in the thread title (random purchase) As for the secure top i used some eggcrate ...the eel doesnt seem to get near the top of the tank....i have a very deep tank with the live rock only halfway up ...i was hoping that would keep down towards the bottom but i guess ill have to just wait and see. edit: To spanko post


thanks for the reply ....I do have kids one being 3 years old...but he has no way of getting near the tank water with the stand and the tank the total height is over 5 feet tall unless you were concerned with the eel jumping out and my son picking it up???
When you say every couple of days do you mean every 2 days?
Thanks again


Egg crate probably wont cut it, I had one crawl into the overflow and go down the drain pipe and out the sump, but I found him about 15 feet away and he is still fine to this day. I feed mine prawns most of the time, but they can't see very well and you will probably have to wave them in front of his face with a long pair of tweezers or something. I suggest having the nearest glass store make you a top.