Red Claw Crab questions


Hello, everyone I belive this is my first time in the invert. section, but anyway I want to soon convert my 29 gal. freshwater tank into a half land half water saltwater tank once all my fish pass on. So with that being said what saltwater fish could I keep with red claw crabs? I'll keep atleast 20 gallons in the tank. also what filtration could I use since the water level is low?

mr. limpid

Active Member
you'll want fast fish ones that don't hang at bottom, so suggest a six line wrasse and a pair of damsels (aggressive and fast). If the damsels mate you will have two if not you'll end up with one. For a filter I would go with HOB one size bigger than the tank size and a power head. As for filter media I would use a floss prefilter and bio balls (like them for FO systems) make sure you maintain the bio balls.


you'll want fast fish ones that don't hang at bottom, so suggest a six line wrasse and a pair of damsels (aggressive and fast). If the damsels mate you will have two if not you'll end up with one. For a filter I would go with HOB one size bigger than the tank size and a power head. As for filter media I would use a floss prefilter and bio balls (like them for FO systems) make sure you maintain the bio balls. 
Thanks Mr.Limpid, but wouldn't the HOB be super loud?


All depends on the type you buy. Some are really quiet. What filtration were you thinking of?
When I said loud I ment the water falling from the filter.