RIP sadness


Active Member
My Huma trigger just died. So angry, sad, annoyed, I don't know what. Redid a bunch of my plumbing and installed a UV just a couple weeks ago. Guessing contaminants. Possibly PVC glue not dried enough or some residue on the UV or
. 3 fish in a 125 and all the time I've invested to make sure conditions are pristine and I lose a hardy trigger that survived a crash a year and a half ago. FFS!


Well-Known Member

So sorry to hear. Are the other critters okay? I doubt only one fish would be affected if were contaminants from your UV installation.

noah's nemo

Ahh man sorry to hear that,i know i love my humu,,they are pretty tuff though,and like flower said,i would think all the fish would be dead if it were contaminants


Active Member
Also have a Porc Puffer, Chocolate Star, Short spine Urchin, and a Snowflake and none are showing any problems. Trigger wasn't showing any problems either up til yesterday, but considering how stable this system is and that I did the work a couple weeks ago I really don't know what else it could be.