Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!


Active Member
putting it all together - PVC assembly


plumbed up

freshwater syphon hose and emergency drain secured to the wall

emergency drain into the sink, and the syphon lines on the wall, in the brutes.

connections through the wall

short pipe. salt line goes right into the sump for water changes

long pipe. the fresh line runs the length of the tank then into a ~15gallon trash bin for an ATO reservoir.

ATO floatswitches on an acrylic stand.


Active Member
wow mike. looks great.
you've come such a long way in such a short time with your knowledge and capabilities of "home/fishtank renovations".....i'm so proud of you


Active Member
Wow...that thing is a beast. Very nice..

That one shot makes it look like it's going to be tough to get back there to the sink, or is there another way into the room?
I still wish I would have thought of the exterior clear hose guage like that....very cool.


Active Member
hmm what do you mean by that? the only tubing going to the sink is overflow BH, no syphon, all gravity.
if you look at that one shot with the hose dropping into the sink, the water going through the wall from the tank syphons goes down and through the wall near the electric aluminum tubing going out. also, keep in mind that the fishtank room is a solid step down from the garage level that the stand is on. and remember, the stand is lifted onto cinder blocks.
i have yet to check the syphons ins and outs yet, but it should allow for most of the salt brute to empty out.


Active Member
No, I mean getting you (your body) back there to the sink. Looks like a tight squeeze between the stand and the washer/dryer


Active Member
you sayin im a fatty??
haha - no i guess that shot is a bit of an illusion. there is a decent amount of room to comfortable side step to the sink. and to think i got an arm cramp hammering out that above response for no reason at all!


Active Member
No, definately not calling you fat. I should have clarified

You have done a lot of work here and obviously have a lot of DIY talent. But man, doesn't it feel great when you do something on your own and didn't have to pay someone?
So what's the next project? I was enjoying this one


Active Member
ha - i think i still have to put the finishing touches on the canopy. i have done all this work and the tank is scratched up a bit, so it is upsetting that the main window just does not look right after everything.
but its time to concentrate on adding the rest of my fish and furthering my forray into SPS :)
oh and isistius gave me a pump, so i think i will be replacing the sump return. it is an old Little Giant in-line and it is very loud.


Active Member
its an arizona iced tea bottle.
what is it doing? thats the next question, right?
well , allow me! that big black acrylic box in the top is my EV-180 skimmer. so instead of just filling up the collection cup i have an outlet on the cup (standard for air escape), and tubed it down to collect more skimmate.


Active Member
Okay, makes sense. I did that on an old 55 I had using a 2 liter really well.
The caption just says something about 'water changes' and I was thinking...surely he's not doing water changes with plastic jugs