

Hey all just got a pair of seahorses. I would like to know what is the best food for them. They are eating frozen angle& butterfly food. But is that good? Thanks Ron


Active Member
Whoa... Sorry, I didn't know that posted twice.
Check out up on this site where it talks about seahorses. Most of what I've read is that they like live feeder shrimp.


Active Member
Mysis shrimp is best. They prefer live copepods, so a mature tank is ideal. It is best to feed them twice daily, with one fasting day.
How old is your tank and what size?
What fish do you have with them?


Good choice. Mine are very easy to care for surprisingly. I hpe they are captive bred. Remember to kepp water temp. around 73 degrees and feed them often. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Mysis shrimp is best. They prefer live copepods, so a mature tank is ideal. It is best to feed them twice daily, with one fasting day.
How old is your tank and what size?
What fish do you have with them?

I agree. I feed mine frozen mysis twice a day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
why have the temp. so low.
I don't know Konrade's theory behind the temp. 73 is awfully low. My tank stays between 78 and 82.
SH are reef dwellers. They feed on copepods that thrive in warmer waters. They tend to stay in an area that will support them and don't venture out where the water is deeper and colder unless they have to search for a mate or a food source.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I don't know Konrade's theory behind the temp. 73 is awfully low. My tank stays between 78 and 82.
SH are reef dwellers. They feed on copepods that thrive in warmer waters. They tend to stay in an area that will support them and don't venture out where the water is deeper and colder unless they have to search for a mate or a food source.

Actually, their are some cooler water SH's. Kudas are one of them. I keep my kuda tank at 72.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Actually, their are some cooler water SH's. Kudas are one of them. I keep my kuda tank at 72.
Alyssia, hi sweetie! I have a question for you about sea horses. I saw black seahorses (don't know their scientific name) that were Captive bread, do they need their own tank? What I mean is can anything live with them? And I assume they need something to grasp onto. Any experience with these?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Actually, their are some cooler water SH's. Kudas are one of them. I keep my kuda tank at 72.
I didn't know that. Something new to look at!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Alyssia, hi sweetie! I have a question for you about sea horses. I saw black seahorses (don't know their scientific name) that were Captive bread, do they need their own tank? What I mean is can anything live with them? And I assume they need something to grasp onto. Any experience with these?

I'm not sure what black ones you mean. Seahorses can actually change colors. I have kudas that are yellow, but someone else on here has kudas that are black. CB seahorses are always much, much easier though IMO. I would definitely put them in their own species tank. PonieGirl has had success mixing her seahorses with other fish, but most people don't. They do need hitching posts, you can use plastic plants or tree sponges. Tonga branch rock works well also. Corals are not a good idea b/c they can get stung if they hitch on them. Let me know if you need any help, my daughter is having a slumber party for her birthday tonight (lucky me) so I don't know if I'll be back on much today. I'll check this though when I get back on here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
ok thanks, Do you know of a good site to research the different varieties and their needs? If it is a site that can't be posted here, can you send me an email?
Thank you! (have fun partying with the girls!!!)



I have kudas so I keep my temp lower. Also a couple use to be black but they turned yellow after a couple months


Active Member
I must have been living in a bubble! I have only ever had mustangs and giants and they have always been black. I hadn't heard of seahorses changing color. Yet you all talk about it like it's expected. That is a pretty neat thing!
Do you have photos you can post of the yellows? I have seen yellows before, but just assumed (oh no!) that they always were and aould be yellow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I must have been living in a bubble! I have only ever had mustangs and giants and they have always been black. I hadn't heard of seahorses changing color. Yet you all talk about it like it's expected. That is a pretty neat thing!
Do you have photos you can post of the yellows? I have seen yellows before, but just assumed (oh no!) that they always were and aould be yellow.

I will start a thread when I get some pics of my seahorses (and my hubby posts them on here for me, I'm hopeless when it comes to the computer).
Yep, they will change colors to match their enviornment (camoflauging), to attract a mate, etc.. I have never seen mine do it but I wish they would. It would be so cool!


boy are they cool fish, snorkling off duck key in florida i got pics of like 7 black ones 4 white ones 2 black ones with red tips on their spikey body and 1 orange one with white strips. So pretty.