Securing Monti Cap


Active Member
Hello, long time no post =).
Anywho, I bought a monti cap quite a while ago, and originally the frag was about the size of the cement plug it came on. Now it's grown quite a lot. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on how to secure this thing to a rock easily so I could keep it from tipping over or looking so awkward.
I know it's fading a bit - I'm almost positive its because the water needs changed. Went up to school and didn't get home last month cause of finals to do a water change (todays job). It's been really red up until this point (its about 3-4" under the surface of the water with 2x96W PC right above the 30g).
Thanks; suggestions welcome (unless its on photography or how to work my algae scrubber - functional pic here people


Active Member
Beautiful Monti. My suggestion would be to trap the plug in between some rock (2 pieces) to secure it. This could work. I don't have one yet, but on the list!!! Best of luck. If it was the size of the plug when you bought it, do you mind me asking how long did it take to get to this size? It sure is bigger than a plug now!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pyro
Hello, long time no post =).
Anywho, I bought a monti cap quite a while ago, and originally the frag was about the size of the cement plug it came on. Now it's grown quite a lot. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on how to secure this thing to a rock easily so I could keep it from tipping over or looking so awkward.
I know it's fading a bit - I'm almost positive its because the water needs changed. Went up to school and didn't get home last month cause of finals to do a water change (todays job). It's been really red up until this point (its about 3-4" under the surface of the water with 2x96W PC right above the 30g).
Thanks; suggestions welcome (unless its on photography or how to work my algae scrubber - functional pic here people
Here is mine.... I bought it a while ago...As far as securing it..I was under the impression these can be super-glued/crazy-glued to whatever you like fairly easily. Mine is large enough,I did not need to secure it.


Active Member
If you actually search for my name and monti cap, you can see the pictures when I got it and a couple pictures of its progress. It has really taken off since I went to school. My kalk drip got stuffed up though, and gotta get it back on pretty quickly - really likes that.
...that is just about when I first got it - check the date on the post =)
I might try and just epoxy that plug to a small rock so I can wedge it in better. The plug is just really hard to secure unlike a small rock. Any tips on good epoxy to buy?


Active Member
Marineland epoxy is awesome and relatively cheap. One stick can last you quite awhile because it doesn't take much of it to get the job done once you learn how to use it well.