should I frag or not?


Alright. I have never fragged a mushroom before. Please someone tell me if this would be warranted or not.
I have a rock with 5 huge rhodactis mushrooms on it. The mushrooms are getting so big that they are overlapping like crazy. I prob have more than 5, just can't see em. I am thinking of fragging them. The ones that are being covered up are kind of bleaching a bit. I know they like shady places but could this be too much? Maybe not getting food stuck under there? Would you or would you not frag? :notsure:
Thanks for your opinions.


I would frag. Mushrooms are one of the easiest corals to frag. Go small your first time just to get the feel for it. Maybe just take one of the shrooms off the rock its on now and move it. Once it reattaches then take one more and cut it in half and attach it to another rock. Good luck.


Sounds great Taz. Thanks!
I wasn't sure if I should do something or let nature run its course. I would like to see em spread around the tank though. I am going with your plan. I'll move the biggest one and see if it helps. Thanks so much!