Snails that dont turn over?


Hello everyone I havent been on the forum for a really long time.. I just recovered after a year of health complications and have been starting to pay more attention to my reef tank. Basically I just started a new CUC and I am using margarita snails this time around.. my problem is all my snails end up dying because they all eventually end up on their backs. Ive been turning my margaritas over for almost a week now and I know they are not going to last. I tried turbo snails, margarita, astrea, and nessasairia (sp?). I have only had luck with giant mexican turbos (but i hate they they bulldose) and nessasaris but they dont do much work on the algae because they are sand dwellers. Do you guys know what snails can flip themselves over before my blue legs get them? I have tried cerith too but they seem to hybernate on the top of tank. Im ready to give up and only use crabs


Well-Known Member
I use cerith, turbos, narsissus and astrea snails. Ceriths and narsissus are the least likely to flip. Have you tried the large narsissus snails?


I never heard of any of these snails exept the cerith. What is carrion? Are stomatella, collonista and narsissus rare snails? I never see then unless these are scientific names ill look around

bang guy

Carrion = dead animal flesh. Nassarius Snails do not eat live algae. They will sometimes eat dead algae after it has rotted a while if they are hungry enough.

None of those snails are rare but not commonly sold by fish stores. Those are the scientific names. That helps ensure everyone is discussing the same animal. I think Jay had a typo on the "narcissus" snail.


Awesome. Thanks for the help. I will look around for some stomatella and collonista. The only time I have seen a stomatella when I had one hitchhike a while ago