So why Are Blue Spot Rays so difficult?


Hello all. Looking to try something different and considering keeping a species only 180 of blue spot rays with the intention of trying to breed them. I have kept, bred, and raised freshwater motoros and teacups with no problem. So why are these rays so difficult to keep? I know that some aquariums have successfully bred the blue spots. Tim


Originally Posted by myerst22
Hello all. Looking to try something different and considering keeping a species only 180 of blue spot rays with the intention of trying to breed them. I have kept, bred, and raised freshwater motoros and teacups with no problem. So why are these rays so difficult to keep? I know that some aquariums have successfully bred the blue spots. Tim
Out of curiosity, what sized tank did you have for the Montoros and teacups? What were the water parameters? I too am a fan of rays and have FW tanks as well as salt.