Soft Coral and Zoos and lighting needs


I am new to all this and have question, just added 2 soft corals to tank; 1-Green Leather and 1-Xenia, both small frags. I have 10 Zoo frags coming tomorrow to add. Lighting is my question. I have a 90gl. tank with 120lb. live rock. only 2 clowns and snails etc. added.
My lighting is a Odyssea 48 inch Flourescant Light – 260 Total Watt output
2-1200 K daylight bulbs
2- 03 True Actinic bulbs
Is this going to work or do I need to make some changes.
I plan on adding several more fish but only these coral at this time to see how it does. Thanks you guys are great.


I'm sure it will but always start your corals on or near the bottom of tank and over a week or two slowly bring them up higher in tank.


Active Member
Most softies and Zoa's will do OK with this amount of light.
Many corals would need more light, but a nice looking tank could be sone with this lower end level. Just be carfull to not add things that need more intense lighting.