Some guys have all the luck...


Active Member

MLB hires fan to watch every game
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fsMedia.setHeaderCaptionSeparatorHeight(); Fulfilling every baseball fan's dream, two men were drafted by Major League Baseball on Wednesday to watch all 2,430 regular-season games, beating out 10,000 applicants for the job.
Mike O'Hara, a punk rocker, and Ryan Wagner, a former actor, will be holed up in MLB's "Fan Cave," a shrine to fandom built in the old Tower Records building in Manhattan, in front of 15 flat-screen televisions.
As they watch the games starting on Thursday, O'Hara will tweet their thoughts, be interviewed by MLB sportscasters, have daily adventures chronicled in online videos and will update the world on their exploits through social media. Both men won the job after submitting video clips and writing samples along with interviews with network executives and on-air talent.
As of Tuesday, O'Hara, 37, said he still had a girlfriend. Fortunately for him, he will not have to live in the 15,000-square-foot Fan Cave or subsist on a diet of stadium food.
"I don't want to end up two sizes larger by the end of the season," he said. MLB officials would not say how much O'Hara is being paid, but said his salary falls between that of a batboy and baseball's league minimum of $400,000.
Wagner is looking forward to the challenge and isn't fazed by the national spotlight, especially after his experiences of being an understudy for the Cowardly Lion in a production of "The Wizard of Oz."
"I've performed in a ridiculous costume for 370 shows, I don't mind it," Wagner told I wore a 30-pound fur costume that felt like walking around in a fold-up bed."


LOl...I would love it if it were al NY YANKEE games......could care less about the others
BTW..YIPPPEEEEEE Tomorrow is the first game.....too bad it is on at noon :( BUT I will be watching it at my desk on

darthtang aw

Active Member

I would shoot myself if I had to watch that many games of slowball.
I am gonna shoot myself for agreeing with you.
Darth (Kurt Cobain style) Tang


Active Member
The morona could have hired me for 30 grand a year. LOL! Wait, I'd need 60, I get bored with baseball too easy.


I interviewed with MLB a few years ago. Went through 7 hours of interviews over 3 days and they wanted me to come back and meet more people. I laughed at them so no thanks and took another job. If they couldn't decide in 7 hours then it isn't worth it. For one of the hours they had me answering riddles to test my thought process. It was bizarre. Tell you the truth the thing that scared me the most was your id gets you and a guest into any game in any stadium. They sit you in whoever did show. My family would be bugging me every day of the week to go to games. :) Met Joe Torre while I was there though he was nice


WOW...I would love to Meet Joe Torre....he is a great man.....
what did you interview for Cryptics???


I do a very specific job in software development. To program anything you have multiple programmers working on pieces of code. I take those pieces and make it into the end product. I also set the rules in how it will be done and what gets released and yell at those who break those rules :) I am a software configuration/build/release manager. MLB actually runs all the sites for every team also a fair amount of people in the music industry.