Some Reef Questions


I am restarting my reef tank. I currently have two percula's(sp) and a Bubble tip anemone and a few hemit crabs, clams, and two turbo snails. I want to get a coral banded, a sand star and a coral beauty. first I was thinking of getting a "orange Ball" sponge. but I heard that some angels eat sponges. will they beauty bother this sponge? Also I was thinking about another fish. would four fish be too much for my 29g tank? I am planning on adding an overflow, but don't have one yet.
Also, I currently have a Maxijet 1200 which does 295gph. the problem is that it is to strong for my smaller percula. is there anyway to slow down the flow on this powerhead?
Lastly, I am taking a trip with my fiance and her family to the FL Keys. We would like to know if anyone knows of good places that will take us snorkling on a good reef.


The Coral Beauty may bother the clams and sponges. If you have the clams already, then it would probably be a bad idea. If not then just don't put them in (if you want the angel).
For the PH you can diffuse it by shooting it onto the side of a rock. Or, it is possible to restrict the flow. But, if you don't need as big a PH, get a smaller one. PH's add heat to tanks, this is not good , especially on small tanks.
I think four small fish is the absolute upper limit of a 29. It would be okay if you are putting a sump on. But it is pushing it.


Active Member
Pygmy Angels do not eat sponges. Its their larger relatives like Queen Angels that will go to town on them.


I plan on adding a lage sump, since i want to get a new tank in a year or so... what other fish would go good with this combo? i was thinking about a jawfish, but i don't think i have enough sand to keep him happy.

tru conch

Active Member
i am originally from the key largo. if you want any suggestions for snorkeling in the upper keys, just drop me an emai at and i will gladly offer some suggestions.


New Member
would anyone happen to know if you went on vacation to florida and got some coral, fish or sand from the ocean and brought it back with you for your tank, is that legal or can you get in trouble for it.

tru conch

Active Member
army boy
it depends on where you are. in the florida keys, you need to have a fishing license and be outside of the state parks to collect fish. corals and some inverts are illegal to take, when you get your license there is a pamphlet that informs you on size and what is and isnot legal. again it depends on where in florida.


CBS? sorry don't know what that means. also I do have a coupple cleaner fish, I forgot to mention. I try to keep them to a minimum though cause I have had a few problems with them.