Spider Webs in my Tank?


I got home today to see what looked like cob webs or spider webs in my tank. What is this? Is it good, bad, or doesn't matter? How do I remove it?


No anemone in the tank (it's too little). However I did add two new corals yesterday if that helps anyone. Any info on those snails?


Active Member
Google Veretid Snails....they are a snail that casts a web in order to catch food. Not harmful to the tank, but they can get out of control.


Active Member
The snails are stationary and they live inside tubes that slightly resemble feather dusters, but they are yellow. they are beneficial filter feeders, so no worries.
The only thing to worry about is they can "annoy" corals to a point where they can stress and quit opening. I think the biggest concern is zoas.