sump pump. is 500GPH enough??


I have a "Supreme Classic" general purpose utility pump that the guy at my shop set me up with when I bought my tank and everything. It is the model 5 (500 GPH), and the chart on the back of the box says it puts out 570 GPH at 0' (which it IS at 0'). Is this enough? it has been running for almost 24 hours and seems to be working great...
tank is 75G w/ 90lb of live rock


The gph will drop some by the time it get out of the sump and up and over into the tank. It may be enough for you although I would be looking for additional flow from power heads etc. One thing to keep in mind is that it will slowly lose it's ghp as it ages. I had a mag pump that seemed to be perfect when it was new but after a few months I had to get a bigger one.


Originally Posted by kinerson
The gph will drop some by the time it get out of the sump and up and over into the tank. It may be enough for you although I would be looking for additional flow from power heads etc. One thing to keep in mind is that it will slowly lose it's ghp as it ages. I had a mag pump that seemed to be perfect when it was new but after a few months I had to get a bigger one.
I do have 2 koralia 4 PH's.


Active Member
Are you running this pump as a Power head or a return pump. If you are using it as a return pump what type of overflow do you have?