Tang fights his own reflection....?


I have a yellow tang I've had about 3 weeks now. The first week I had him, he was totally chilled out. The last couple of weeks he's been acting really funny. At first I didn't know what it was, but then I figured out it was his own reflection in the glass he was freaking out over.
Not sure if there is anything I can do about it. Was wondering if anyone else had a fish that did this?
He just acts all agressive towards his reflection mostly when he's on the side of tank. We put a piece of wall paper over the side, hoping he wouldn't see his reflection so easily, then he just does the same thing around the front of the tank.
Poor little fella is stressing himself plumb out...
This is what the tank looks like incase anyones wondering. He only has 2 clowns for tank mates, and they are the chillest fish there are.


Active Member
well if its really becoming constant....put a picture of 2 yellow tangs on the side of the tank he does this to. (this as been said to influence clown hosting anemones also,.)..
nice tank are you going to leave it a fish only with live rock?


What would putting a picture of 2 tangs do? I'd think that'd make him even madder? :notsure:
Yes, FOWLR for the time being. "One day" I'll change my lighting out... but that's in the not forseeable future.


Active Member
Is it the side of the tank were it took up residence? My friends tang was trying to bite and stab it, till his mouth/muzzle area was red and raw. Had to place a black back ground on the side of the tank. Once his reflection was taken away he became active and the muzzle healed nicely. Maybe something you should try? See if that helps solve the problem.