Tank is up and running, but how to make it perfect???


New Member
120 gallon with 40 gallon sump.

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40
ph 8
KH 214.8 (12 drops)
Calcium 580 (29 drops)
Salinity 1.025
Temp 78-80
Lighting is Gen 3 Radions on high growth at 45%

Fish seem happy and eat really well. The only things not growing are zoanthids and LPS and SPS. Devils hand and star polyps are growing well. The tank is four months old. Trying to figure out how to get corals to grow quickly and with vibrant color.

Any tips or tricks are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TCarlisle http:///t/397752/tank-is-up-and-running-but-how-to-make-it-perfect#post_3546329
120 gallon with 40 gallon sump.

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40
ph 8
KH 214.8 (12 drops)
Calcium 580 (29 drops)
Salinity 1.025
Temp 78-80
Lighting is Gen 3 Radions on high growth at 45%

Fish seem happy and eat really well. The only things not growing are zoanthids and LPS and SPS. Devils hand and star polyps are growing well. The tank is four months old. Trying to figure out how to get corals to grow quickly and with vibrant color.

Any tips or tricks are welcome.


SPS corals and LPS corals have no tolerance for nitrates. Nitrates at 40 is also deadly for inverts like shrimp and snails.


New Member
I have a simple test strip from ***** that you dip in and match colors up. And i have drops for calcium and KH. I took my water to LFS and they tested it and said the nitrates were at 0. I guess the 5 dollar strip of paper isn't that accurate.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TCarlisle http:///t/397752/tank-is-up-and-running-but-how-to-make-it-perfect#post_3546396
I have a simple test strip from ***** that you dip in and match colors up. And i have drops for calcium and KH. I took my water to LFS and they tested it and said the nitrates were at 0. I guess the 5 dollar strip of paper isn't that accurate.


Get your own master test kits.... the only strip test you ever would need are the ammonia ones...it doesn't matter how high or low the ammonia, if you get any reading at all...do a water change. the rest of the parameters you need to be able to check and know the exact reading.


New Member
Ok, I will get a kit. I find that they are around $30.00. Anyone know of a cheaper place? College student here, and ever little bit helps.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TCarlisle http:///t/397752/tank-is-up-and-running-but-how-to-make-it-perfect#post_3546583
Ok, I will get a kit. I find that they are around $30.00. Anyone know of a cheaper place? College student here, and ever little bit helps.


Master kits are the cheapest, then you only replace the tests as they are used. Stick tests are not good enough except the ammonia ones...those it doesn't matter the reading, any sign of ammonia and you need to do a water change. I understand you're a college student, but water quality is the whole tank, and all the life in it depends on it...so don't pinch the pennies on RO water, or test kits. If you can't afford the very basics of water quality, you got into the wrong hobby.