tank temp???


New Member
i have a 25 g hex. i have a heater in it, but my apartment is always warm so i dont think it ever goes on. its always like 78 in the tank. the only problem i have is in the summer when it gets really hot, my tank temp hits 90 almost. what can i do?


Active Member
personally id opt for the ac, it is cheaper than a chiller(esp. for that size tank, lotta bucks for 25 gal) and you would also benefist from it too, besides, a hiller is something mechanical and (potentially)dangerous for your tank, just something else to go wrong inside your system


Active Member
yeah, you can probably count on 6 or 7 hundred or even more, depending on which one and where you go


New Member
i'm not gonna run my a/c all day when i'm at work for a few fish..lol. i'm in an apartment with an a/c unit in living room that doesnt have a thermostat. its on or off... :confused:


Would you leave your a/c on for a dog?? I lost an entire reef tank because I forgot to leave the a/c during a vacation. It isn't worth it. Some fish made it, but now have hlle (due to stress). All corals but closed brain died. We also have fan on tank! My 72 gallon always is same as house temp.


Active Member
well, it is either that or spend 700 to 1000$ just to cool 25 gallons, and possibly cost nearly as much to operate, or have poached fishes, they can take some temp changes, but drastic and fast is VERY lethal, IMO, it would be cheaper ot upgrade to a new ac for your apt., and benefit all of you guys(and be more efficient if you buy properly), these are fish, not wall ornaments, and i love mine, jsut as any other pet(not even to mention the $ involved),
so your 3 options are as i have mentioned, (ac, chiller or risk it)
sorry but
those are the facts IMO


Here's a drastic fouth option: Move to a new apartment where you can control the ac temp. Although that is really drastic, I beleive if you have the fish, they should be worth caring for the best you can, without sacrificing their lives.


Active Member
sorry, sammy & jordan, i stand corrected, i just have never seen one that inexpensive, but then again, maybe i wasn't looking for anyhting to fit a 25 either, but even at 200 or a littel better, for @3, you can get a decent room ac at walmart too, in either case, i would do something for the little guys(and if i could benefit too,.......then all the better)